歐盟委員會針對所有需要進行CE認證的產(chǎn)品制定了相關協(xié)調(diào)標準(Harmanized Standards),或稱之為指令(Directives)
the "machinery" means:an assembly of linked parts or components, at least one of which moves, with the appropriate actuators, control and power circuits, etc., joined together for a specific application, in particular for the processing, treatment, moving or packaging of a material。
2.?建筑產(chǎn)品?Construction Products
The "construction product" means any product which is produced for incorporation in a permanent manner in construction works, including both buildings and civil engineering works。
3.?壓力設備?Pressure Equipment Directive PED
The "Pressure Equipment" means vessels, piping, safety accessories and pressure accessories.?Where applicable, pressure equipment includes elements attached to pressurized parts, such as flanges, nozzles, couplings, supports, lifting lugs, etc.?'Vessel` means a housing designed and built to contain fluids under pressure including its direct attachments up to the coupling point connecting it to other equipment.?
凡是設計壓力超過0.5bar的設備,主要針對于:鍋爐、壓力容器、管道、蒸汽鍋爐、熱交換器、存儲罐、壓力附件(如閥門、壓力計等)、安全附件等,無論其壓力、容積為何,從設計、生產(chǎn)、測試方面滿足ESR(Essential Safety Requirement)基本安全需求均須符合PED的規(guī)定。
4.?簡單壓力容器?Simple Pressure Vessels Directive SPVD
The "simple pressure vessel" means any welded vessel subjected to an internal gauge pressure greater than?0,5 bar?which is intended to contain air or nitrogen and which is not intended to be fired.
簡單壓力容器指令適用于所有內(nèi)壓大于0.5 bar,用于存放空氣或氮氣的焊接容器,但該等容器不得明火加熱。一般而言,這些壓力容器設計簡單,批量生產(chǎn)。
The "lift" here means an appliance serving specific levels, having a car moving along guides which are rigid and inclined at an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal and intended for the transport of:???- persons,???- persons and goods,???- goods alone if the car is accessible, that is to say, a person may enter it without difficulty, and fitted with controls situated inside the car or within reach of a person inside.
6.?計量器具?Measuring Instruments MID
the "measuring instrument" means: any device or system with a measurement function that is covered by Articles 1 and 3;
該指令限定了十類計量器具產(chǎn)品, 包括水表, 氣表和容積換算設備, 電能表, 熱量表, 計程器, 廢氣分析儀, 自動衡器等。
7.?低電壓電氣設備?Low Voltage Electrical Equipment?/ 電磁兼容Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
The "Electrical Equipment" means?any?equipment designed for use with a voltage rating of between?50 and 1000 V?for alternating current (A.C.) and between?75 and 1500 V?for direct current (D.C.). Therefore, it is called often "Low Voltage Electrical Equipment" which includes the vast majority of electrical equipment in everyday use.
LVD(Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU)即為低電壓指令,其目標是為確保低電壓設備在使用時的安全性。指令適用范圍是使用電壓為交流在50V至1000V和直流75V至1500V之間的電器產(chǎn)品。電磁兼容性EMC(Electro Magnetic Compatibility),是指設備或系統(tǒng)在其電磁環(huán)境中符合要求運行并不對其環(huán)境中的任何設備產(chǎn)生無法忍受的電磁干擾的能力。因此,EMC包括兩個方面的要求:一方面是指設備在正常運行過程中對所在環(huán)境產(chǎn)生的電磁干擾不能超過一定的限值;另一方面是指器具對所在環(huán)境中存在的電磁干擾具有一定程度的抗擾度,即電磁敏感性。
?8.?無線電及電信終端設備?Radio Equipment & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE)
This Directive establishes a regulatory framework for the placing on the market, free movement and putting into service in the Community of radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment.
包括:短距離無線遙控產(chǎn)品(SRD) 例如:遙控玩具汽車、遙控報警系統(tǒng)、遙控門鈴、遙控開關、遙控鼠標、鍵盤等;專業(yè)無線電遙控產(chǎn)品(PMR) 例如:專業(yè)無線對講機、無線麥克風等。 有繩電話、傳真、MODEM、電話答錄機、小總機(PABX)、無繩電話CTO、CT1、CT1+…、 ISDN(數(shù)字電話產(chǎn)品) 、DECT(增強型數(shù)字無繩電話) 、 GSM、CDMA…;藍牙產(chǎn)品 例如:藍牙耳機。
9.?游艇?Recreational Craft RCD
The "Recreational craft" means any boat of any type, regardless of the means of propulsion, from?2,5 to 24 m hull length, measured according to the appropriate harmonized standards intended for sports and leisure purposes.
游艇Recreational Craft 指的是 不限船只采用的推進方式,按照使用的協(xié)調(diào)標準測量,船身長度2.5至24米之間,用于運動和休閑的任何類型的船只。
10.?個人防護設備?Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
The "personal protective equipment" means any device or appliance designed to be worn or held by an individual for protection against one or more health and safety hazards.
11. 玩具?Toys
A "toy" shall mean any product or material designed or clearly intended for use in play by children of less than 14 years of age.
12.?一般產(chǎn)品安全?General Product Safety